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What IS CrossFit?At Lake Washington CrossFit, we believe that fitness can and should be measured to show progress, not just as a number on a scale but as measurable, observable and repeatable data. Our program is intended to make our athletes better inside and outside the gym, and we measure our progress to ensure that. Whether you want to get better on the field or just move better, feel better and look better, CrossFit can get you there. In CrossFit we define fitness as increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains. We accomplish this by using CrossFit’s prescription for exercise which is constantly varied functional movements performed at a relatively high intensity.
Are all CrossFit gyms the same?No. CrossFit has over 13,000 affiliates worldwide. These are local, small businesses that share the philosophies of CrossFit and legally license the CrossFit name. Many times that is where the similarities end. Each of these affiliates has a unique style and culture. There is one whose style and personality complements yours. As you search for an affiliate that is right for you, you should ask a lot of questions. There are great affiliates with great coaches that aren’t necessarily a great fit for everyone.
What makes LWCF unique?LWCF is different in three important ways; Coaching, Community and Programs Coaching: We have a world-class coaching staff who has a combined 80+ years of coaching expreience in CrossFit and other fitness specialties. From training professional athletes to substantial weight-loss for sedentary individuals and everything in between; our coaches have the experience you can benefit from. Community: Every CrossFit community is unique and we happen to think ours is pretty awesome. We are welcoming, inclusive, dedicated and like to have a lot of fun. If you decide to join our community, don’t be surprised when you develop great relationships and start hanging out with our athletes and coaches outside the gym. Check out our reviews and you'll see just how much of an impact a tight-knit community can help you progress! Programs: We have intentionally set up our programs to appropriately challenge athletes of all skill levels. It's our job to understand your current fitness level and set you up to successfully reach your health and fitness goals. We have seen our methods implemented time and time again with incredible results, and we are ready to help you succeed.
What is your class schedule?Over the last decade our schedule and structure has evolved to meet the needs and preferences of our members. Our current schedule is the result of members and coaches feedback. We operate our classes to be completed in 60 minutes. Each class consists of a warm-up, a skill and/or strength session, and a daily programmed workout. We also offer open gym hours and specialty classes such as Olympic Weightifting, Yoga, and Strongman. * See our calendar / hours on "Our Schedule" page under the "Get Started" tab in the main menu. *
What should I expect from my intro session?We aren’t going to expect you to do anything without giving you the tools and information you need to be successful first. Before we start your intro workout, it is important that we cover some basics. When you come in for your scheduled free one-hour intro session we will start our by discussing any thoughts and concerns you have, and answer any questions that might be on your mind. We will teach you what CrossFit is, and then guide you through a warm up and workout. If you prefer, bring one or two friends to try it with you.
Should I get in shape before starting CrossFit?No – Being a beginner can actually be a benefit because there are less bad movement habits to break. Every movement and exercise that we do in CrossFit can be scaled and modified to fit your current fitness level. We have members that range from 13 to 70+ with a fitness range from complete novice to competitive athlete. Come in for a free intro session and experience it for yourself; the intimidation fades away very quickly.
How many times per week should I work out?Every individual is different, but we suggest our athletes work out with us a minimum of 2 times each week. As your body starts to adapt, you can increase the frequency of your visits, and our flexible membership policy allows you to upgrade anytime!
How intense are the workouts?Intensity is relative to the individual, we will not ask you to do anything you are not ready for or capable of doing. Intensity is great, but not at the expense of mechanics or quality of movement. It is crucial to understand what role intensity plays and its importance. Intensity is the variable in an exercise program that most directly relates to positive adaptations (changes) in the body. We want to take full advantage of this, so our workouts are relatively short in duration and relatively intense. We will motivate you to try new things and push yourself. Ultimately the intensity you put into your workouts is totally up to you.
How long are the workouts?CrossFit defines fitness as “increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains.” This means that our workouts will range in time, but typically our workouts last less than 30 minutes. We program our workouts so that on a typical day our athletes can be in and out of the gym within an hour. This time includes doing a full warm-up, skill session and workout
Am I going to be sore?Probably. Any time you start a new fitness program, you can expect some soreness - and CrossFit is no different. Soreness is typically the worst in the first two weeks, then with consistency in your workouts, your body will adapt and the soreness will lessen.
How long does it take to get results?Every individual is different and your results will be dependent on the effort you put in. We have seen some pretty incredible results in our gym, and in very short timeframes.
Can you help me lose weight?A good exercise program along with proper nutrition is essential to healthy weight loss. The results we see with CrossFit are broad, general and inclusive – weight loss and decreased body fat is one of these adaptations. Nutrition plays a key role in weight loss, we will make sure you have the information and tools to successfully reach your goals both inside the gym and at the table.
I'm worried about getting hurt; how do you prevent injury?Though injury can never be totally prevented, we take steps to reduce the potential for injury in our gym. Our goal is to help you continuously improve your fitness, being sidelined due to injury is a huge step in the wrong direction. As a coaching staff, we have worked hard to make sure our progressions set our athletes up for success, not injury. Having a defined progression for our athletes has helped us minimize the injury potential in our workouts. We make sure our athletes have the knowledge and movement patterns to consistently be successful in an exercise before we increase the intensity. “Mechanics, Consistency, Then and Only Then Intensity.”
I can't do some of the movements; is CrossFit still right for me?Can’t isn’t a word that we accept – in fact saying it in our gym will earn you 10 burpees as a penalty. If you aren’t able to do some of the full movements you’re not alone, many of our athletes aren’t able to do full pull ups, push ups or various weightlifting movements when they walk in our doors. Every movement and exercise that we do can be modified or scaled to allow you to be successful, regardless of your current fitness level – its all about the progression. This is a successful prescription which has been repeated countless times to progress our athletes.
What is your drop-in policy?If you are an experienced CrossFitter and are in town for the day (or week) come on in. Our drop-in rate is $25 per day. Email us at or text 425-691-8506 and we can get you setup for a class!
Is Coach Nick REALLY that cool?Unequivocally yes. Chuck Norris has a picture of Nick on his binder. Nick sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled ability to rock. Shortly after the transaction, Nick punched the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn’t stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every second Wednesday of the month. If you still don’t believe it, just ask him – he will tell you how cool he really is. Also, mention that you read this to the coaches. We will be impressed at your thoroughness!
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